Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's finally above 30 degrees!!

It was such a nice day out!  Too bad most of the day I was stuck in school. I had a good day at school though, so I can't complain :)

After school I was debating.. go to the gym, go home, gym, home... I made the right decision and took my large ass to the gym!  Although after being on the treadmill for 20 minutes-facing outside-with no music... I got sick of it and decided to go home to take Panzer (my doberman) for a walk. 

That was the best decision E.V.E.R!  He is a 6 month old pup, and since we live in Minnesota, we didn't take him on many (or any) walks during the winter (most of his life).  So, I knew this wasn't going to be the smoothest walk, but he did well none the less.  I had many routes in my head that I was thinking about going on... I finally ended up going around the neighborhood, then onto a walking/biking trail near my house.  Once on the trail, I wanted to see how far I could run.  I am not a runner.  I repeat.  NOT A RUNNER.  I made a goal on the trail (not exactly sure how far it was) but it was to the first stop sign.  I made it and felt like I could go farther!  I turned at that point because the trail was getting really wet and muddy (from all the melting snow.. holla!)  So I ran back to the beginning of the trail.  It.Was.Awesome.  I had such a great running high, that lasted most of the night!  Now, hopefully I can do that again.

Once at home my husband wanted to take the bike out for the first ride of the season.  When you are a biker and you have to put the bike away for 6 months of the year... you get the itch right around 30 degrees.  It was around 37 degrees and we did it. 

Note: I had 3 tank tops, 1 sweatshirt and 2 fleece jackets, 2 pairs of sweat pants and 1 pair of jeans.  Bandana to cover the ears, scarf and gloves.  It was cold, but it was awesome.

My husband is a badass.  Take note of the snow :)
Next week is finals for school.  I have to do a medical administration test out... (pretend to give meds to a patients in front of my instructors, and hope I do all the steps involved.. and know everything about the meds.)  I also have a final in Nursing Foundations, Comprehensive Pharmacology Lecture and Lab, and Anatomy and Physiology final... kill me now.  This weekend if I am not working, I will be studying.  Next Friday will be awesome!  I get two weeks off then back in school. 
That is everything I had to bring to school today... two bags for books and binders... gym bag, purse/lunchbox... and the furball in the left hand corner is just Sadie.  She wasn't moving, and I was late to class. 
Well, I can't be happy about the nice weather for long... the news is on in the background right now... and there is ANOTHER winter weather advisory... ugh.. "honey, when can we move to Florida again?"  This weather is getting exhausting.

Have a good weekend!!!

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