Monday, February 24, 2014

Garage Kitty

We had a visitor for the past week.  A garage kitty.  We do not know how long she had been in our garage before she showed her face.  Nate was in the garage working on the snowmobile with his cousin and all of a sudden this cat appears!  We went to the neighbor's house to see if it was theirs, and it wasn't.  We took pictures of the cat and posted ads on facebook and checked some lost pet sites.  We kept it in the garage for a week because our house is not fit for a cat.  It would come out in the afternoons mostly.  We had food and water for the cat because we didn't want it to starve.  Finally after a week it gave us sad eyes when we were walking into the house, so we brought it in.  Panzer was obsessed with the cat and would not leave it alone.  Sadie would sniff it and then do her own thing.  We kept the cat over night and decided it would be best to call animal control.  We don't have enough room for another animal, otherwise we probably would have kept it.  Animal control said they would keep it for a couple days then give it to the humane society.  I researched the humane society in our area and they do NOT euthanize animals that have been there a while, they keep them there until they get a home.  That's good!  This cat was super friendly and will make a great pet.

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