Friday, September 7, 2012

0 followers... really?

So I just noticed that after a month or so of writing this blog, I still have 0 followers... not even my own mother (thanks mom!) lol, I kid.  I know she reads them :) So this tells me a couple things.  I am not as interesting as I thought I would be, I actually need to start showing results of my so called weightloss, I need to do a give-away, or I should just quit blogging.  Well, I don't want to quit blogging!! So I will try to post more intersting shit! (and take more pictures... why is this so hard for me?!?!?!?!)

This week has been filled with work. Our general manager is on vacation, which means all the other managers (me included) get to work more... yay!  I also picked up a shift on labor day.. yep while all the rest of you got the day off, I decided to bartend and serve tables, because I knew most of you would go out for lunch, and I was right! It was a great pick up shift! I have to close manage tonight.. boo (so boring to manage a restaurant).. and work all day tomorrow also, but Sunday I have off.. whoop whoop!

I also realized I do the best homework when I am pressured and/or drinking.  Case in point: Sunday night my hubby, a girlfriend and I went out to dinner.  Since it was a holiday weekend, they had the next day off, so what do we decide, let's go out for a little bit.  I, on the other hand, still had to finish a lab assignment and a power point presentation, and had to work the next morning... but I wanted to hang out with them anyway :)... we got home, I rushed through my homework, while Nate is pouring me drinks, we went out had a great time.. fast-forward to today, grades are posted... I didn't want to look.. I thought it was going to be my worst grade... 100% baby! whew! One more week left of the quarter.  I have a 95% in one class and a 90% in the other... hanging on to that A by a tiny string...

Now, I should get ready for work and clean the house a little more before the hubs comes home... like always, I don't have any new pictures.. but I will entertain you with a video I took the other day of my cute Sadie pup.. she is a wild one sometimes :) (at the end of the video I asked her where daddy was because I was going to send this to him... but my phone was being stupid and wouldn't let me send it)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how to become a follower. Tell me how. Cute video of Sadie :)
