Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Screw C2K5

Okay, I don't really mean it.  The program has definitely gotten my endurance level up.  Hell, if it wasn't for the program, I probably wouldn't have stepped foot on a treadmill.  BUT, going from running 8 minutes to running 20?!?! WTF? I could hardly run the 8.. not to mention then running another 8 and another 2 on top of that... 

So, today I ran.  I ran as far as I could. I bumped my speed down to 5.5 from 5.7 because I was going for endurance, not speed.  I tried not to look at the clock.  I wasn't really sure what my goal was... I was thinking maybe 20 minutes, maybe just one mile.. I ended up running 11 minutes and 36 seconds before slowing down to 3.5.  I could have gone longer.. I should have gone longer.. I need to not let my mind determine how far I am going to run.  I am proud to have run over 11 minutes.  Now, next time I am going to run I am going to goal for 12 minutes.. then 13 minutes.  Hopefully in 31 days (how many days until my mud run) I will be able to run for 30 minutes straight. 

I am scared to death about this race.  I don't want to fail.  I don't want to be the last one.  I want to finish.  I don't want to slow my friends down.  I want to be able to do most of the obstacles.  I don't want to be the fatty out there that everyone is looking at and talking about.  I want to finish.  I will have people there supporting me, but it would be that much more embarrassing if I can't do it.  All I can do is continue training. 

Last week I didn't work out at all.  I was frustrated with school, so I went out drinking during the week with some girlfriends.  That means I didn't work out the next day because I was hungover.  Then I went to the cabin to help my parents, which means no working out over the weekend.  So I went about 10 days without running.  I felt like shit.  Now I know how much working out is good for your body.   It makes you feel good!  Today, Nate called me when he was done dropping lil Nate around 8am and asked if he should pick me to go to the gym.  I really didn't want to, I just had woke up.. but I thought, it's now or never! 

I wrote that post last week and was going to post it, but then I got distracted.  Now a week later I am up to 15 minutes on the treadmill.  I had a couple days off the band wagon, I blame school and stress.  I will get back on.  I am not as nervous about the mud run now, but I have to get my butt back into the gym.